31 January 2007

Life, Restarted

Went back to work this week.

I say back to work, as if I'd ever actually been able to start there in the first place.

I hadn't even had but one day in uniform since we'd arrived in Virginia. So, it's hard to say it's "back to work".

However, it's back to work.

They've given me two jobs. One, I'll be a clerk in one of the schoolhouse HQ offices. The other job will have me be the Driver for the schoolhouse Command Sergeant Major, Colonel, and other Distinguished Visitors (as required).

Very intense and intimidating for little ol' me, but then, I've been in similar situations. So, guess I'll just suck it up and drive on.

In other news, apparently I'm up for reenlistment. My job category is "overstrength", so it's a golden opportunity for me to make a change. So far, I'm looking at either a Personnel Clerk (not the best choice, but it IS an area I excel in), Satellite Communications Technician/Operator, or Radiology Technician (you know, like X-rays at the hospital - which I like, because maybe I can find a way to help women getting scanned for Cancer or something). It'll mean school (the good ones are about half a year long - no kids). It also means putting the next paragraph...

Apparently I'm ready for promotion too. But, got a bit of a way to go there. Have to get myself back into Army physical condition, and ooooh, isn't that fun. But, working hard at it. Need to get that promotion. More $$$, etc. Of course, if you read the previous paragraph, have to let it wait a bit till the reclassification can go through. (See, if I get promoted, my opportunities for reclassification drop dramatically.)

Oh, and I'm also on the list to attend the Enlisted NCO Leadership schools (no, not an NCO yet, but on the list to attend). First one is 4 weeks... at some base, no one knows where. But, it's out there.

Always said, when people asked how the Army was letting me spend the time with Ellicia... that when it was over, the Army would be waiting, and would come for me hot and heavy. And so it is... The Army has been waiting, and now, it's time to be a Soldier again.

Tired of battles...

Maybe some peace somewhere in the world would be nice.


PJ said...

Reid...Would there be any chance for you to work in a journaliatic MOS? You're a terrific writer and I suspect a good communicator too. Seems a shame to let those kinds of talents go to waste. Just a thought. We're here and thinking about you all the time. Be well, my friend.

PJ said...

Oh, by the way, I've changed my blog to
http:\\blogbeingthere.blogspot.com. Thanks.

Barb said...

Both the SatComm tech and the Radiology tech are good choices for long term career opps, as well. Obviously, it's important to weigh what choices are likely to give you strong satisfaction - for whatever reasons. So the Radiology tech really sounds great.
Now the getting into shape part I can definitely sympathize with. In that position myself (not military, just need to get in shape!). It's just so doggone easy to veg on the couch. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Battles? You've fought two big ones in the recent past. Decision making shouldn't be a battle, though it is a challenge. Thank goodness you have several possibilities to choose from, that you are not going to just be left in a rut. Think about it. PRAY about it. If you leave God out of it, you may not make the best decision. You are charting a new path into a new life. Rejoice!