21 November 2010

What do you think was the greatest invention in your lifetime?

The personal computer. It revolutionized the flow of information, eventually to all corners of the globe. From that flow of information, everything else follows - new inventions, quest for knowledge, even revolutions in government.

Ask me anything

01 November 2010

That Time of Year (Again)

It’s that time of year… again.  My mind gears towards numbers and dates.  As such, around this time of year, my mind automatically starts what I’ve come to call The Countdown.  Many of the significant dates of 2005-2006 landed in November and December.  Lots of ‘little anniversaries’.  And I remember them all.


It ends up starting a bit of a mini-depression, but I’ve gotten better at riding through it.


Still, one thing… well, one of many, I suppose… of the whole process and aftermath of losing someone is this:  You do get better at getting through and adapting to the New Life.  However, no matter how much time passes, from time to time… a memory will come along and slap you upside your head.


The past day or two, I’ve kinda felt something… dragging at me.  Hard to explain, just didn’t feel ‘right’.  Was really feeling E.  Flipping through tonight, I caught what it was.  A new commercial… I’d heard it vaguely the other day, but was in another room, and hadn’t realized it.  It’s a new toy, something about a Weeble treehouse.  I have a crystal clear memory of E sitting on the floor, rocking and signing with the kidlets, “Weeble wobble…. Weeble Wobble… Weebles wobble but they don’t fall… DOWN!”  Made me smile and giggle back then… now, well, I smile… and feel wistful.  


And The Countdown has begun.