26 May 2005

Home Sweet Home... Of a Sort

Well, I've landed. If Iraq is the "Sandbox", then Afghanistan is the "Rockpile".

Deep in the mountains, surrounded by them... no green in sight. VERY dusty... and hot.

Anyways, I'm here, and sorting out my new home. More to come soon.

Getting Down to Work

Well, I'm here. Arrived in Kandahar on a C-130. Took a C-130 from Kyrgyzstan to Kabul. We were then scheduled to go to Bagram, then Kandahar, but as it turns out, the same C-130 was heading to Kandahar, so back on we went. Joining us was a 3-star general. Don't remember his name... he came and shook each of our hands... no biggie.

The flights were eventful. Kabul is surrounded by high mountains, and the C-130 was knifing its way back and forth. A big roller coaster ride. And dropping into Kandahar was a fun ride, too. Not too bad, but... you knew you were dropping fast.

It is HOT. Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. Dusty. Bleak is a good word. Our areas are air conditioned, chow hall looks good.

Access to the outside world is limited. Waited an hour just to get to this computer. Same for phone calls. So, I'll update, but not as often. Keep checking back.

One neat quirk - we work on Zulu (Greenwich Mean) Time. So, it's currently 1130 by the watch, by the sun in the sky, it's 1600. A little weird having lunch at 7 in the morning...

Did I mention it's hot?

Oh, if anyone wants to write, or... (shameless begging) send something....:
Walter Stanley
A Co. 7-159 AVN Regt
TF Storm
APO, AE 09355

So, for now, I'm settling in, inprocessing, and getting ready to work. Seems there's not much for me to do in my original planned job, so I might get to work on the birds. Wow....

So, until next time... from Kandahar... (where it's HOT!)...

25 May 2005

Some more observations from Kyrgyzstan

Well, I've had some more time to wander the base here. At the center of the compound, there are about 9 flagpoles. Apparently, these show member nations of the coalition with forces stationed here. So far, I've recognized US, Australia, France, Spain, Kyrgyzstan, Italy, Norway, and possibly Poland.

At the base of the US pole is a massive granite monument to Chief Ganci (FDNY Chief who died on 9/11). There's also a large monument under the Spanish flag for 53 Spaniards who died.

The base is comfy... nice and cool. Planes come and go, constantly. The manifest board is fascinating to see the steady stream coming and going.

Instead of waiting for a few days, our group leaders are going to try something different. Some are going to Bagram, some to Kandahar... so we're all going to go to Kabul. From there, maybe we can catch some more flights.

We'll see... just waiting...

Halfway there...

Well, I'm in Kyrgyzstan now. The USAF has assumed control of an old-Soviet air base here. Talk about decrepit. Old planes still sitting off on the side of things...

We flew in on an ATA L-1011 military charter. Of all the places not on their Route schedule, this must be one of them. The flight crew was tremendous. They know good and well where we're heading, and there's no request you couldn't make. Whatever you wanted, they obliged. Super comfortable. Very nice. And wished us all well at the end, asking us to be safe and that it was an honor for them to carry us. Touching...

The base is a tent-city carved out of nowhere. But, very comfortable and secure. As far as outposts go, it's not bad. Had worse times elsewhere.

We're waiting on flights. From here on out, it's tactical airlift (C-130 or C-17). And depending on our route, we may finish the journey via helicopter across Afghanistan. Wheeee... my first helicopter ride.

Other than that, it's just tedium and waiting. But, on the plus side... we're now "in the zone", so the combat pay and tax-free starts now. Yay!

Final thought... I had this as I got off the plane. It continues to amaze me how I keep looking out of windows and seeing places I never thought I'd see. Tehran, East Berlin, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, and soon... Afghanistan. Amazing.

Take care...

24 May 2005


Well, I'm in Turkey now... quite a sight to see the Turkish flag. Another place I never thought I'd be. We're here for a six hour layover, and then a five hour flight onwards. Pretty much restricted to the terminal for the duration due to Turkish regulations... Yippee!!!

Probably just tents while I'm in Kyrgyzstan, but... who knows. Passing time... Missing home already.

The Journey Begins...

Well, I'm off... I'm writing this from the USO lounge
in Rhein-Main AB. This base is about 6 months from
closing and is still the busiest in Europe...
I'm booked on a convoluted travel plan. It's going to
take days to get where I'm going. Most of our
contingent of 11 is going to Bagram AF, so our group
of 3 going to Kandahar has to tag along there first...

Rhein-Main -> Incirlik AB (Turkey) -> Mainz AB
(Kyrgyzstan) -> Bagram AB (Afghanistan) -> KAF.

Reported at 0400... Said goodbye to the kids last
night... very difficult to do. I ended up teaching
"Jellybean" (a bunny) how to do "Daddy-hugs" as a
stand-in for whilst I'm gone.

Ellicia is a rock... or at least, she won't let it
show. I'm continually impressed by her.

It was tough saying good-bye... we stayed up,
finishing packing, and then just holding each other
tight. All that could be said had been....

On the positive note, I'm looking forward to this
stage of the mission... Flying!!!! Woohoo.

It was a touch of homesick when I pulled up to the
terminal and there were the C-17s with the Palmetto
tree on the tail... They're from Charleston. They
even called a flight to Charleston... tempting!

So, until the next chance to drop a line to the world...

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23 May 2005

Family Photo

Our Family. This is taken on the balcony of our apartment. You can see beautiful Germany in the background. That's me on the left, my wife on the right, tall girl in the middle is K, short girl on the right is M, and the darling sack of son is T. :) :) :)

Toby Keith Concert

Well, since this time, the impending departure really feels "real", Leesh and I got out of town. We hired a babysitter for the two older girls, and took Thomas and hit the road. Stayed in a nice hotel over in Mannheim, the other side of Germany.

Had a super nice dinner (with the hotel providing a babysitter for Thomas - how about that, two babysitters in two different towns at the same time!)... went for swims in the pool (since we don't have one here)...

And enjoyed the quiet and downtime together. After so many false alarms, it's hard to keep saying good-bye over and over again. This time, we just kept holding each other and enjoying the time.

And, thanks to the USO http://www.uso.org, we got to enjoy a free concert by Toby Keith (for those of you not reading the post title.)

Now, last year, Toby came to Illesheim http://www.estripes.com/article.asp?section=104&article=21694&archive=true. That was an incredible experience (especially since our lil' ol' base is so tiny, NO ONE ever comes to it - it's so tiny, it's on no maps.) Leesh wasn't here yet then, and we could only share the experience via an international cell phone call!

So this year, to be able to share the experience was like a second chance, and the timing of it... so soon before my impending departure... made it special. To listen to "American Soldier" while holding my wife, and thinking about where I'd be in a few days time... As it tends to happen at a military concert, while we're raucous during certain songs (e.g. "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue"), the crowd is usually very quiet and just sings along in a subdued way during "American Soldier".

Thank you, Toby, and to all the others who come to those of us who are out of the way. He doesn't do it for the cameras (Jesica Simpson - coming to a TV special near you on ABC, complete with free US Soldier props), he does it for us. God Bless Him...

17 May 2005

Big Sis

M *loves* her baby brother. Actually, she can't seem to get enough of him. Very protective, too. And he cuddles right up to her. Aren't they cute together?

12 May 2005

Delayed... Again.

Well, they pushed back another date... waiting again. This gives me a few more weeks at home... Yippee!

Otherwise, no news. :(

07 May 2005

Have you heard about this?!

A mother calls her son from Iraq, and his school makes him hang-up.

For full story in the local newspaper, click http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/mld/ledgerenquirer/news/11575912.htm.

The school says they're suspending him due to his behavior when confronted and made to hang up the phone. I'd behave the same way in his situation. If I were a kid, and my mom was in Iraq, I would NOT hang up the phone.

To then be disallowed from answering when she calls back... Grrrrrr.

Who are these people? And this school district SERVES the local Army post!

Very disappointing and disheartening.

For those who don't know, when you're serving in the combat zones... access to phones is infrequent and unpredictable. If you're lucky, you can use your unit's military phone lines. If you're lucky. What you usually end up having to do is wait in line for the MWR (Morale, Welfare, Recreation) phone banks. This can take hours. When you get to the head of the line, you make your call. It isn't for very long, and you just can't take into consideration things like what time it is on the other end of the line. Families get phone calls at all hours of the day and night. I've never heard a spouse complain about a phone call at 0330.

This Soldier is in a warzone, and the school is more concerned about his use of a cellphone (during lunch - not even class). Zero tolerance... no thinking. No use of discretion or decision making. What are we teaching our children by robotic responses to situations like this?

(End of rant)

06 May 2005


Well, our first time to go was delayed. We're having trouble getting a flight - if you can believe that!

Anyway, this just means that I get another surprise. I get to be home for Mother's Day! Woo hoo... (of course, as many of you husbands can sympathise - I'm now in the unenviable position of being home for a holiday I'd had no plans of being home for with very short notice to get ready!)

Anyway, a few more days... can't complain! Now, where is that cute lil' boy?