12 December 2005


Ellicia has improved.

Ok, ok, you wouldn't know this from talking to her. But, she has! Her White Blood Cell count is up to 1500 (a marked improvement from the dangerously low hundreds before). This means that we no longer need to be masked, gowned, gloved, and capped just to be in the same room with her. However, I am still taking those precautions as I have some sniffles, and don't wish to challenge her further.

Docs say that if she continues to improve, she may be home by Friday.

She still has nausea, dizziness, pains, and gets her nutrition via McIV bag, but... it's an improvement.

Today was such a short visit... felt horribly guilty. She has nothing to do (nor the desire to, really, but that's beside the point) and I felt SO horrible. But, the rest of the world was DEMANDING attention.

Talked to the doc today, with the patient liasion providing any needed translation assistance (none needed). Some vital questions answered include:

Can Ellicia Continue Her Chemo?
Yes. By all means.

What precautions need to be taken considering home includes 3 kids, 2 cats, 1 hubby, and approximately 8,654,283,512 germs?
During second week after chemo, Ellicia will wear a mask 24/7 for a solid week.

What else can we do to avoid future hospital visits?
We've learned that her body (the bone marrow) just cannot keep up with the chemo. Therefore, some boosting injections will be recommended prior to each treatment as a prophylactic.

Other news?
Lump is smaller. Perhaps that's good news in the lungs, as well?

Her first clump of hair passed through her fingers. She smiled.

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