06 December 2005

Support the Troops

Yesterday, Two Babes and a Brain broke a story that will warm you to your very core.

As you know, Soldiers get wounded in war. If you're seriously wounded, you often end up at Landstuhl (in Germany). If you're gravely wounded, you'll be in Walter Reed.

Soldiers there get a lot of support. Yes, there are the protests held outside its gates, but people DO support the troops.

And here they report on the touching Get Well Card that was sent to a Soldier at Walter Reed.

What is WRONG with people? We have third grade teachers assigning writing anti-war letters as homework, people protesting Soldiers' funerals, and now this.

Makes me SICK.


Anonymous said...

I personally think that Journalists have a lot to answer for, they need to used discretion instead of point scoring when reporting to help make the world a much better place.

For instance: In the case of the idiots (minority) US service people that treated the prisoners so badly (these idiots have since been dishonourably discharged and jailed according to their war crimes by the US) When reporters blast headlines around the world as they did in this case, this gives a sick reason for political point scoring by all radicals. I don't mean the Journalists should cover up, instead they should use discretion such as in this case, reporting what they have found to a more senior authority and ensuring an immediate halt to the situation. If you discovered a murderer, you would not publicise it over the news, you would go to authorities to ensure an arrest to save others.

It is the Journalists who have blood on their hands for the be-heading of innocent civilians due to their rush for point scoring - not the soldiers. At least the majority of Soldiers are decent humans who do care and are genuinely there to try and help these people live in peace.

Politics and school or journalism should NEVER mix.

Keep up the good work Reid, you are appreciated by the majority not the minority.

Les & Colleen

Anonymous said...

I saw this horrid thing somewhere else & just cringed. Like you, I wonder what is WRONG with people? That Code Pink crowd outside of WRMC is being out-battled by the Free Republic & Rolling Thunder Patriots, the local law & fire depts are battling the idiot Phelps at each funeral, but I don't know how we can combat stuff like this. It's shameful!

Anonymous said...

Well, just to balance scale a bit - my 5 year old son made a nice card with "trees in the forest" for THAT soldier and we mailed it today after the school. I think a lot of people who really support soldiers mailed him cards.
All the best for your wife!

Anonymous said...

From what I've heard, Joshua Sparling's horrible experience has been turned into something positive! So, in a way, thank you asshat...your evil act did good works. HA! Even though I think the sender of that card should be used for target practice by Soldiers or Marines, this gave focus to a larger issue. Not only will alot of cards be going to Joshua, but many of us also sent cards to the Red Cross for others at Walter Reed that have not been getting mail. Had it not been for Brian Kilmeade of FOX news broadcasting about this horrid card, many of us would not have realized how many are there that really need our support too.

GunnNutt said...

I missed the FOX news report about this, but its all over FreeRepublic.com. The FReepers are well on the way to papering the whole hospital with cards of real support.

I'm sorry for the awful hurt this card did to Joshua, but I'm glad that the treasonous CodePink commies are being exposed.