07 December 2005

7 December

Today is 7 December. Pearl Harbor Day. I hope you remember. As Americans, we tend to have tragically short memories, as evidenced by some already forgetting 11 September.

Let's pause to reflect and remember the other time in recent history (there are still survivors walking and talking amongst us) the US was viciously attacked. It was, until 11 September, the worst attack ever suffered by the US. On that day, over 2,100 American servicepersons died in the space of a few hours (can you imagine today's media back then? Decrying the loss of life and how we would need to appease the Japanese freedom fighters?).

Every US Navy ship pauses to remember when entering Pearl Harbor.

Perhaps, today, we can pause and remember, too.


Anonymous said...

Never Forget. You are right. And it is tragic that so many seem to have forgotten, both events.

Anonymous said...

With the kind of history that's being taught (or not) in our schools today, nobody will remember either event in a few years. I actually know some people who didn't know what Dec 7th signified. So sad. I quickly educated them...

Anonymous said...

I remembered.

GunnNutt said...

We won't forget! Great post.