18 December 2005

New Normal

Well, life is slowly returning to normal.

We're back to the doctor visit routine...

Everyone's under one roof now...

T is pulling himself up and standing as long as he's holding on to something.

Should be able to turn in old apartment on Monday.

E is nearly bald.

M is extending the Terrible Two's for another season as the Terrible Three's.

It's snowing!

Haven't quite gotten the new place ready to put up Christmas yet, but hope to have Christmas decorations up no later than Valentine's Day.

While setting stuff up, I made a dumb mistake in deleting my Internet configuration. Now have to get a new password from the German phone system. Expecting a delay of 1-2 weeks.



Want a vacation already! hahaha

Trying to keep money straight... reducing income due to my no longer being deployed (one of the TRUE benefits of being deployed is a lot of extra $$$ each month). Sadly, the Army is backdating it to the day I came home (which is to be expected, of course, since that's when I was no longer deployed) but hasn't started the paperwork till now. This should be nice and messy, per Army standards. Throw in all the extra driving and AAFES gas-gouging prices... and well, it's getting pricey. But, hanging in there... Is what savings are for.

Pretty proud of T... watching him pull-up on things. *I* was the first object he pulled up on. He was sitting in my lap, and I held my arm straight out. He reached up, grabbed it, and stood up. All by hisself!

He's also advancing to developing his speaking skills. While no orator, yet, he IS getting ready. We should get a first word sometime in the next few months.

K is now out of school for her Christmas break.

M is loving her kindergarten, which is a good thing, cause she's becoming quite the handful at home! Ah, to think I once spoke of wanting SIX...

Cats have been good... even the mad-peer (pronounced PEE-er)himself, Scanner, has not decided to christen the new place. We're all very thankful.

Enjoying the snow. Gives everything a nice look...

(To all who e-mail, I am TRYING to answer... since I deleted my net access, I only access when I grab the laptop and find someplace where I can leech... please bear with me.)



Anonymous said...

Oh, Lord! As wonderful as it is to hear that Thomas is pulling up, your work might just double :)

Glad to hear that stuff is "nearly" normal & don't feel bad about the Christmas decorations. Mine aren't up, either, & I don't even have a good excuse - other than being the Queen of Procrastination.

Steady on, Reid - keeping y'all in my prayers. Katy

GunnNutt said...

How wonderful to be Thomas' pull-up bar! But like Katy said, having another "mobile" wee one will mean you'll be busy :) You'll have to put your Christmas decorations near the ceiling.