11 December 2005

Day 2... or is it 3?

Spent yesterday with Ellicia at the hospital. It's difficult. Full isolation treatment - protective clothes, mask, gloves, cap...

She can't keep anything down, not for a lack of trying. Fever has subsided (good news?), but headache, nausea, and dizziness are still there. White Blood Cell count is still in the low hundreds (i.e. not really there at all).

She's tired, but lucid. Read her a card sent by PJ (from Web of Support). She liked it.

Hope to pick up kids tonight. Stayed up until 0600 last night working on house. HAVE to eliminate boxes, if just to make it safe for the kids to be there.

(Took a peek at Ellicia's email account, see if anything important in there... her ex sent a blustery e-mail about how Kira had missed a webcam appointment and that she, meaning Ellicia, had better have a good excuse! Hmm, I sure hope we can think of one.)

I'm about to be off to the hospital again. Slept for 4 hours last night... well, 3 and a half, really. But, am semi-rested. Hoping to hear good news.

Thank you for all of well-wishes and support.


Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself Reid. Being the one that holds things together is a stress in and of itself. How are the kids taking Mom being sick/not home?

Pray for you guys everyday.

Anonymous said...

Just checking on you. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to post. A lot of prayers going up from this neck of the woods.

Take care, Sweetie!

GunnNutt said...

Man, when it rains it pours. You're such a great husband and Dad. I hope the news is good and continues to get better.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately life throws out different tests for different people. I can't begin to imagine how hard it is for you to remain that "tower of strength" but hang in their Reid. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all.
Les & Colleen
(12 Dec 05. 2.30pm actually here).

Anonymous said...

Just dropping by to see how you and your family are doing. My family would love to send your family a Christmas card or a carepackage or two if there's anything you need. Perhaps a post office box so that all of your readers could send letters of support?

Our prayers are with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Just got hooked in to this from Holly Aho... I hope you are all hanging in there. You are all so brave! Find some way to let folks know if a little help would be welcome; if not here because it doesn't seem right, feed it in via another blogger you know or something, just get the word out.

Anonymous said...

ditto Tom and Holly....please let us know.
