04 December 2005

Soldier Gifts for Christmas

It's getting to be the time for the holidays... and yes, there's Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, Ramadan (already passed), "Two Week Break from School", and "Excuse to go massively in debt to give presents no one wants".

But, most of us think of Christmas.

Many of you have been sending boxes upon boxes of wonderful treats, supplies, books, dvds, snacks, and other assorted goodies.

Don't know what to get for Christmas?

What DO you send to a Soldier downrange?
Or an injured one in Landstuhl or Walter Reed or elsewhere?

Well, check out this site (note: rare AAFES plug).

This gives the chance to send AAFES gift certificates to Soldiers all over the world, and if you have no specific Soldier in mind, you can gift to the Armed Forces Relief Societies or even the American Red Cross.

Soldiers can use these in PXs and BXs all over the globe. Soldiers families can use them as well. An excellent opportunity and something that will certainly be valued by the troops.

And something for families...

You can also give certificates for Commissaries. (Commissaries are the ubiquitous grocery store for troops and their families. Often, at overseas locations, these are the only place they have to get familiar foods at US prices.) The Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) is offering the chance to "Give the Gift of Groceries".

Another worthwhile program.

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