13 December 2005

Leggo My Ego

Maybe it's ego... ok, so it's definitely an ego thing. Anyway, we're currently ranked at #50 in the Top 100 Milblogs at www.milblogging.com.

How much higher can we go?

Well, to break into the Top 20, it looks like I need a total of 14 votes... So, let's get out there and VOTE (it's not just for Iraqis and Afghans!)...

Register with the site (nothing bad happens to your Inbox and you don't get signed up for a bunch of stuff (make sure to un-check the subscription box if you don't want a newsletter), and then add A Storm In Afghanistan to your favorites (not the favorites for your Internet Explorer - we know you already have us there!).

Once you're registered, find my blog in the Top 100. Then, click on A Storm In Afghanistan. At the bottom of the profile is a button to Add to Favorites. Click on that button to VOTE for A Storm In Afghanistan!

And when done, you won't even have any stains on your fingers... well, unless you've been eating a jelly doughnut while typing.

Thank you.

Now, leggo my ego...


Anonymous said...

Alright now....is that an Iraqi finger, or have you been in the kids markers? Or....did I hear someone mention jelly doughnuts? Hmmmm. And one more thing, these verification words are getting harder and harder all the time! :-)

Barb said...

SC Eagle ... You need to put the link up to help folks out. I did my part :-)

The link is Milblogging.com

Anonymous said...

Well, I already voted for you and that stick in the mud JP, won't let us vote for you twice. Oh well, since I found your site thru him what can I say:) (I actually love JP....man I hope he isn't reading this)

Barb said...

Hmmm - just tried to open the Milblogging.com site, and it's behaving as though it doesn't exist (from 3 different client computers, so it's not just me). Looks like they are having server problems!

LL said...

Well, SK brought me over here and I'm doing my part in your goal to break the top 20. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Y'all - Had a note from JP today. Milblogging.com is in the process of changing hosts. Here's what he said: "This is a straight forward upgrade, but over the next 24 to 48 hours you will likely experience problems with the site while we transfer from old to new". So...keep trying.

Reid, hope all is steady or better. Katy

Anonymous said...

I just added mine--#11.

Anonymous said...

SK, oh yes, I'm reading this. :)

Miss Birdlegs (thanks for letting the readers know) The site was down yesterday while I upgraded to a new webhost. Never never never use Ixwebhosting. NEVER. Now I use GoDaddy *fingers crossed*

If anyone has problems accessing the site or receiving your login, send me an email directly to milblogging@gmail.com

Cheers and Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Wanted to give you a heads up that a small package is on it's way to Ellicia. Return address is Gems for Soldiers, postmarked from Louisiana. It's just a little something to let her know we are thinking of her and keeping her in our prayers. Thanking you, too, for your service!

smccain10 at yahoo dot com - if you have any questions or concerns.


GunnNutt said...

Hooray! I'm glad moving up in the votes.

(my word verification thingy looks like "hippyzmix" - heh)

LL said...

I just checked and you are #20! Wooo-hoooo!