03 April 2006

Random Thought

While reading a book by Lynne Cheney...

If Laura Bush is the First Lady... and by tradition, Mrs. Cheney is Second Lady... who's last?

First automatically defines a line, otherwise Mrs. Bush would be "Only Lady".

If there's a line, then there must be two ends... first and last.

Who's last?

Do all ladies have rankings?

Do you know your number? Maybe you're #18? #42,387? Or perhaps, #2,895,272.

How often are the numbers updated? Do you get notified when your number changes?

Just curious. This is probably just one of those topics discussed in Health Class, in junior high, when the girls get separated from the boys. Probably get embossed cards and all...


Anonymous said...

Nah, we all have computer chips implanted with our numbers. Those of us on the lower end of the spectrum never get a new number, just like Social Security.

Anonymous said...

Unlike us men, who get these really painful tattoos on the back of our heads.

Anonymous said...

Tom, did they do that in "Shop"? Do schools even HAVE Shop & Home Ec (where my chip was implanted) anymore?

Anonymous said...

Shop... wood shop... metal shop... I'm old enough that we *did* have those. I think my tattoo came before then, possibly during recess one day. You think you're having fun, and then WHAMMO, marked for life.