26 April 2006

Hospital Update - Surgery Day

Today was Surgery Day. She is well, recovering nicely.

There are, of course, lots of questions. Mostly regarding how much was removed and what happens next.

Well, the short version is that we need to wait. We're awaiting test results. There will be more later.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Reid - delighted that Ellicia is doing well - will continue praying.

Anonymous said...

That's good news! And if anyone can handle waiting, you folks can.

Has Thomas figured out how to open the front door and head for the hills yet?

Mike Driehorst said...

Sorry haven't visited enough to know the details of the why/what behind the cancer, but my prayers and good wishes are def. with you and your family.

My 46 yo brother went through a colon cancer a couple years ago, and my dad fought cancer through most of hte 90s and 2000s.
