06 April 2006

Pecanless Pie

I'm going to try to tap into the vast knowledge base that is my loyal readers.

I love pecan pie. It's like crack for me. However, I can't stand pecans.

I know I'm not the first person to be in this quandry, and I'm quite sure there exists pecanless pie.

I even saw it referenced in an e-mail that was forwarded around - but as "chess pie".

Anyone have any info? Recipes? Because scraping pecans off of pecan pie... just sounds ridiculous (each time we do it).


Anonymous said...

Sent 2 links, bet Miss Birdlegs will come up with something.

Anonymous said...

Well, Crap! I sent you a link to Souther Living Chess Pie recipes and then saw that you have to get their magazine to have access. Somewhere in my house, I have a boot box of recipes & I'm pretty sure I have one for Chess Pie. If I ever find it, will send it. Since I rarely cook anymore, I have no need for recipes :)