12 April 2006


Today is an anniversary. Oh?

Yes, for one, the Space Shuttle is 25 years old, today. Twenty-five years ago, Columbia (she's missed) rocketed into orbit. Soon, it too will fade into the dustbins of history as President Bush has declared 2010 as the mandatory retirement date for the shuttles.

Perhaps more significantly, today marks the fortieth anniversary of man's journey from this chunk of rock into outer space. Our voyages are just beginning...

So, Happy Anniversary... to Man* in space.

* - "Man" here is used as the traditional representation for all humankind and is not intended to slight anyone in a non-politically correct manner.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder! I'm a space nut, so I like this kind of stuff.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm trying to decide if I would like to be 26 again...Worked on that Saturn V project for a few years.