17 October 2006

Army Commendation Medal

The unit apparently finally found my award. First Sergeant has told me since I was downrange that I was receiving an award. (I know, I know, everyone gets awards downrange...) There may be plenty of people out there with five or six rows on their salad bars, but I'm proud of my award.

Why? I know I earned it. As do so many downrange, and unfortunately, many don't get the proper recognition. Bronze Stars are handed out for those in Senior positions, and the perception is that it's just because they have the higher rank. And then, for the junior folks, there is usually a choice between the Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM), Army Achievement Medal (AAM), Certificate of Appreciation (COA), or nothing. Thus, it makes the medal some sort of unofficial rating system: Screw up, you get nothing. Barely get by, but don't get in trouble? COA. Adequate? AAM. Excel? ARCOM.

And why am I so happy to finally receive it? Well, because there was no record of it. And as everyone knows, if it's not written down, it doesn't exist. Plus, ARCOMs count towards promotion points, and I'm happy for every few points I can get.

So, it has arrived. The presentation ceremony was essentially one of the PFCs in the office saying, "Hey, your award was found. Here." No matter. Yippee!


Anonymous said...


debey said...

Congratulations!!and thanks for the picture, it's always nice to know what the medals actually look like!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations again! Better late than never, huh? We're all proud of you, too.

Anonymous said...
