10 August 2005

Shameless Plugs

Today, some shameless plugs for folks out there who are doing some wonderful things.

First off, the folks at Dog Tags for Kids have a unique support program. They send dog tags for the children of those serving.
I requested some for my three younguns. Was told that it wouldn't happen because they'd run out of money and couldn't raise anymore. Disappointed, I moved on. Imagine my surprise one day to get a package in the mail containing 150 tags! Seems the nice folks at Diamond Jim's Casino in Rosemond, CA had held a fund-raising night. According to Dog Tags for Kids, they raised enough for over 3500 tags.
I passed them out to any parent who wanted them. Folks, even the more hardened of our group eagerly came asking me (sometimes in whispered asides), "Hey, you the one with the tags? I've got, um... two kids back home." Faces lit up. People were so eager.
All this for a dog tag.
Goes back to an earlier post I made... most Soldiers won't ask for anything (as I understand some of you have learned.) But to give to those back home, they were excited. I can't support this group enough, so please support them. You'll even get your own dog tag when you donate.
These are so popular, I've written back asking for more for our Task Force.

Next up, we have KTSY-FM 89.5 in Boise, Idaho and Albertson's Department Stores. I was surprised to receive a box of goodies marked Boise, Idaho. And by goodies, I mean GOODIES! Ritz crackers, Twinkies!, and other lil' assorteds... Oh, these people have made a friend. Promptly shared (ok, maybe reluctantly for the Twinkies). Just really surprised. I know no one in Boise. So, to whomever and however I ended up on the list... Thank you.

And now, a general thank you to all of you. Part of what I do is help sort the mail. Packages roll in every third day or so. It's really something. I look at the labels on these, and one thing that catches my eye. Y'all are really spending a lot of your hard-earned $$$ on us. $10, $12, $18 for postage starts adding up!

1SG has received packages from his Soldier Angel including electronic dartboards, baseball kits, tennis balls AND racquets, and LOTS of water balloons (not sure how we'll use those...). Commander received a box with over 12 CASES of Ramen noodle soup.

Frozen popsicles.

Trail mix.

Powdered drink mixes.



Beef jerky.

Toiletries (I've distributed over a hundred free razors, chapstick, etc.)

YOU folks are amazing.

Thank you.

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