05 August 2005

I Am the Angel of Death

That's my nickname, at least amongst the senior NCO's and officers.


Well, I've been working in Operations for a long time. Operations has many functions - primarily to ensure and facilitate the smooth functioning of the company. One of the ancillary functions, but more common and more useful, is effectively First Sergeant's personal assistant. By being one, I ensure the smooth function of the company.

While there are many details and facets to this, one specific one is basically to be his intercom. If 1SG wants to see someone, it's usually, "Stanley, go get so-and-so and bring them here."

Translation, when I show up... people's faces freeze, and the look is... "Oh dear, what's he want?" (He not referring to me.) I am the summoner, the bearer of (rarely good) news.

It's become a running gag... I'll show up somewhere, and everyone just stops, looks, and asks for whom I've come for.

For Halloween, I need to get a long black hooded cloak, a bony skeleton hand, and a staff... I think Top would get a kick out of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Top might not get a kick out of it, but I did...