05 August 2005

Safety Day

Today was Safety Day. Yay. Blech. Safety Day is our Task Force's monthly standdown. In theory it's so we can discuss safety, take a break and relax, refocus, and reduce the chance of accidents.


The first, and most dreaded, part of Safety Day is always the Task Force Run. The run is envisioned by our Task Force commander as something to "lift our morale".


If we were infantry, or armor, or airborne or such... I'm sure he'd be right. We're aviation. We hardly march, and we're allergic to running.

Task force runs are always a minimum of 3.1 miles, in formation. Basically, running around the airfield. And of course, people are likely to "fall out" (or fail to keep up)... This gets you all kinds of benefits. First, you get to go on a second run. Second, your company will usually add additional punishments.

You can feel the morale rising, can't you?

Next, we have safety classes. These are intriguing, exceptionally interesting classes on critical safety issues.


Anyway, after that, it gets slightly better. We have a barbeque... usually tasty.

Then, it's sports day. Teams compete in various sports (different each month). Those not playing can go back to the barracks and relax... errr, no. Sorry, they are required to cheer on their teams. Yippee!!!

When it's all said and done, it's been the equivalent of a full shift.

This is something we look forward to (not) each month.

Anyways, that's Safety Day... and another one's past. Now that's got our morale rising.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do you suppose it is that anything designed to bring up morale, teamwork, production, etc, etc. usually makes you wish you had an appointment for a root canal?