17 August 2005

And while I'm thinking about it...

How about some respect?

I grow weary of people protesting the way they do. References to "Dumya", or prezdint, or even simply, "George..."

He's the President of the United States.

Something that is taught in the military (and should be taught in every home) is how to disagree respectfully.

Let's say First Sergeant has a plan. It's a mistake. I do NOT say, "What a crazy, jacked-up idea... You're an idiot." (Those of you in the military can imagine what my next few hours of life would be like.) Instead, I'd say, "First Sergeant, respectfully, there may be some flaws to the plan."

My thoughts, my ideas, what I'm trying to say, will be heard by more if I say it respectfully. Every time I go to a website that's filled with hate-filled, disrespectful language, I don't care anymore about what their position is. It's lost on me.

Make your argument. Do it without the profanity. Do it with respect for your opponent. Then I'll listen. Who knows? Perhaps you'll convince me.

1 comment:

Mark A. said...

Good point. Unfortunately, both sides of the political spectrum have more to gain by polarizing the American public than they do by encouraging civil discourse. As you point out, implicit within civil discourse is the opportunity for change, and neither side wants to give an inch on their positions.