05 November 2005

Steady As She Goes...

Ok, not in the Navy. And certainly not on a ship. But, if I were, then that's the thought.

Everything is just going super-smoothly... It's quiet. There's steady work.

With the First Sergeant on R&R, I've stepped up and moved into the Command Post fulltime, until his return. It's keeping me busy, as I assist the (Acting) First Sergeant in running the company.

Quite flattering. Not sure how it's going to affect my plans for skill development, however, as it will be another two full months of no aircraft work - and quite likely, I'll forget a good bit I worked so hard to learn.

It is getting chilly here. But warm and comfy during the day.

Settling back into the routine. Each day brings me closer... just one step closer to being home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Busy is good - makes the time move right along. Maybe you won't forget what you've learned - maybe it's like riding a bicycle...?

Your current temps are about like ours - maybe a few degrees higher in the days. The pics are nice.

Take care, Katy