14 November 2005

The Situation Continues

Today was doctor day.

We've endured the weekend. And I do mean endure. Between our minds giving us every possible scenarion (none good), surfing the web for education, and Ellicia... God bless her... truly enduring. She's bandaged and stitched, so can't bathe... but has 3 young-uns including baby boy who's learning the fast way how to drink from a bottle... often spitting up. Could NOT get clean this weekend, poor dear.

We had girded ourselves for several possibilities... Even beginning wrap our minds around the propsect that Ellicia is going to lose a breast (remember, that's our best case).

This was to find out if there was a worse case.

Maybe there is? Maybe there isn't. Doc did say that he'd never seen anything like it. Also said the results were delayed until Friday (Riss' 3 year birthday... what timing.)

So, back to waiting.


Anonymous said...

Your wife and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I was closer to help with children...but I live in Denver...Hang there...

GunnNutt said...

I'm waiting (holding breath) along with ya! I hope Friday brings good news.

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you, I too hope that Friday brings you good news.