29 November 2005

Highly Motivated

Our Housing move has been approved.

Big news?

On its own, no... but, that's not all.

The paperwork was started on Monday... yesterday. By this morning, it was approved. Normally, a process which would take between 2-5 weeks happened in about 24 hours. Went from my base up the chain of command, signed off by personnel at several different bases around Germany, and came back.

So, next week, we move. Pack everything up and move. 8 days from now. Blistering speed.

Or, as the Army says, the system is Highly Motivated.

Had a meeting at the unit today. Present were myself, the First Sergeant, Commander, and various other leaders. Spelled out, again, that I need only ask for whatever I need. Also, they felt that the moving in 8 days was not NEARLY fast enough!


Just amazing.

Tomorrow is start of chemo day - we'll be able to start using the new "Porto-cath" that was installedtoday. Neat device.


Anonymous said...

God bless you both. You are in our prayers. Sometimes we can't choose our battles, only our attitude. You both are amazing!
Always grateful,

GunnNutt said...

Hooray! No stairs! I'm so happy to hear how well you and the family are being cared for. Please tell your wonderful bosses THANK YOU from their grateful supporters back home.

Anonymous said...

I continue to be amazed by the positive attitudes y'all have. From everything I've read and heard, that's a big, big plus in the battle y'all are fighting. If good thoughts, well wishes, and the love of strangers have any effect, things will go wonderfully well. I'm praying that's how it goes... I'm also impressed with the support you're getting from your unit and all the "red tape people". God bless you & yours, Reid. Best, Katy

Anonymous said...

And I repeat...angels all around you! There is no doubt in my mind!

Congrats on such a speedy move. Looks like love can move mountains AND the US Army!

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers with you both today.
The "other" MaryAnn

Anonymous said...

Prayers from Cleveland too.

Mary (space) Ann :-)

Anonymous said...

Have been following your story and wanted to send our best wishes. From someone who's dealt with some serious health isuues, positive attitude and a sense of humor count for ALOT. It sounds like you guys just might have this beat! Hang tough, there are alot of us out here silently pulling for you:)