12 November 2005

The Situation

So. What's going on? What has us so disturbed?

Well, Ellicia and I have discussed it. This blog is, essentially, my diary. Additionally, it's an easy way to communicate with family. Factoring in that essentially both posts (home and Kandahar) know what's going on... there's no reason not to post.

For those with purient interests, there will be no pictures.

It's our belief to breastfeed our kids, as long as we can. The same has been true with Thomas.
Thomas has been gulping down milk, but apparently not as much as Leesh was putting out. Anyway, four months ago, a lump showed up in the right breast.
It didn't go away, and Ellicia went to the base clinic. Thinking it's milk, Doc #1 tells her to soak in hot water and massage, and it'll clear up.

Fast forward a bit.

Lump is there and bigger.
Leesh goes to clinic again, Doc #2 (who has issues with Thomas even being at the appointment with Ellicia) gives same treatment.

Lump is now size of tennis ball, and she's in pain.

Treatment doesn't work.

When I get home on R&R, the lump is visibly deforming the breast and is a hard, solid mass.

After I leave, she sees clinic Doc #3. This doc, also unfamilliar with the concept that lump in breast = bad, said he didn't know what to do or seen anything like it. Referred her to a German doc.

German doc: She goes to the doc who delivered Thomas. Anyway, after yelling at Ellicia for breastfeeding Thomas still, he examined her and determined that she needed immediate surgery.

With this news in hand, I felt that we needed a second opinion.

My wife's health at stake, I figured screw the chain of command and protocols. I called the clinic hoping to get the XO (who acts as the patient representative). He's elsewhere. I got a nurse/officer. Went through the detailed history and how we were on month 4 of a tennis ball lump in my wife's breast and asked for a) a doc different from one we'd already seen and b) someone to take this seriously and examine or refer her to a specialist who would. Was given an appointment with the clinic commander for the next day (Tuesday, this week).

She goes in. Doc examines her and determines that yes, she needs surgery. Now. Well, can't just leave 3 kids abandoned. So, surgery scheduled for Thursday.

Ellicia goes in for surgery. I'm losing my mind worrying about her.

I make contact with Ellicia. Doc had just been in.


It wasn't milk.

Doc said that he'd been expecting an abscess to flush out. Instead, she has a solid lump. It's "highly organized" and well connected to the tissues. Said that if he'd taken it out then, she'd have lost most of her breast. Did a biopsy.

Where We Are Now
Waiting for results on Monday.
Best case? It's benign. Still has to come out. Most of breast will need to be cut.
Worst case? You've seen the commercials.

My command is aware.... however, I've been appraised that unless it's immediately life-threatening, the Colonel will most likely not let me leave to go home.

So right now, we're just waiting for the results... so we know what we're facing.

I want to go home. Need to take care of my wife. She is such an angel. Actually told me that she understood how I felt and that what I was doing here was important. Sigh. Love her.

But she needs my help. She's got this minor detail... plus three young-uns demanding attention.

More when we know more.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So sorry that you and she have to go through all this. I don't know you but I sure wish I had someone who loved me as much as it sounds like you love her! Love and prayer can work miracles!

I'm sure this is tearing you apart, not being able to be there with her! We'll all pray for both of you. Things will be okay.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, Reid. Of course you're worried and depressed. Will be praying for you both & will enlist friends and family, too. It's in God's hands anyway, so try to leave it there. He'll take care of you all, giving you and Ellicia the strength and grace to get through this. Big hugs, Katy

GunnNutt said...

Yup, this is a big pile of suck.

I hope you hear some good news soon.

Anonymous said...

SC Eagle, please contact me. I am with Soldiers' Angels in Germany.
EMail: maryann DOT phillips AT gmail.com

Anonymous said...

God bless y'all. Keeping you in my prayers.

Melinda said...

Told you I'm reading through the archives. Praying extra hard obviously now, but did want to express my surprise that someone would give another the business over a baby nursing...is my math right that @ this point he was only 8 mos. old? Wow. Doctors would have had a field day with me. Okay...back to reading.