27 March 2007

Student Driver

Got home tonight, and usual routine... get the kids in, get the mail, start dinner, blah, blah, blah. Yay.

Well, Thomas was feeling fussy, and since we weren't in any particular hurry, I decided not to fight it. Told him he could bring himself in when he was ready. Meanwhile, I carried a few loads into the house.

Came out, and Thomas was no longer in his seat. I looked around... no Thomas. Hmmm... where'd he go?!

Then, I looked. Thomas decided he wasn't ready to go in yet. In fact, he apparently wanted to go cruising for babes.

He was having a BALL!!! Played with the lights (they chime since the key was out, so the battery wouldn't run down)... the horn... made Vroom, vroom noises (sort of), fiddling with the radio... he can even open and close the big driver door by himself (that has it's own fear). Was even trying to buckle up for safety.

Luckily for him, this van comes with adjustable pedals... though, I don't think they adjust quite that far.

Sorry about the quality of the pictures... I was wishing my camera had finished charging, but didn't want to miss the chance. Realized my cellphone takes pictures. Don't worry, my camera makes lousy phone calls.

So, now... mothers... lock up your daughters... he's going to be cruising around soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well...you did say you were ready to buy him his first car ;-)