06 January 2006

Wishing Holidays Would Take a Holiday

Ok, this time of year... maybe it's just me, and the fuller-than-usual plate...

I suppose most people love the holidays, and most times, I think I do, too. This is usually a great time to be dodging work for free, er... I mean, celebrating all that we have to celebrate. You start with Thanksgiving, a few weeks later we get reduced work time for Christmas, plus a 4-Day for Christmas, a week later a 4-Day for New Year's, a week later we get a day from the Germans for Three Kings Day, and then the next week we pick up another 4-Day for MLK.

The downside is that during this time of year, good luck getting anything done or accomplished.

For example, I'm trying to balance all of the various needs and demands of time (of which there is an inexhaustable list of needs and demands and rigorously fixed amount of time) and coordinate into all of the appropriate schedules (e.g. Doctor's schedules, childcare provider schedules, PX opening times, Commissary opening times, office hours of various Army departments, leave schedules of important people I need to see, etc.)

Just pushed my button a bit today. Illesheim is a base so tiny that nothing is open on a consistent and regular schedule. Commissary is closed Sun/Wed, PX closed Monday, Bank is closed German holidays and open American days, other places are opposite, Thrift store only open on Tue (12-1500) and Thurs (12-1700), etc, etc, etc.

Finally got my phone bill that included all of the fees for moving ($287!!!), and wanted to meet with the folks who maybe, might, just possibly help me out with it, and they were closed for the German holiday (American Army office, but with German civilian workers, so... closed. Grrrr) Now have to find another free slot somewhere soon so I can get paperwork together and beg and plead to have Army cover the fees, before I fly out and come back to discover no phone service and get to pay the fees all over again to rehook. Arrrrggghhh.

So much red tape for such a little place. Thank goodness I'm not at Ft. Hood...


Anonymous said...

Huh! I won't get another holiday until Memorial Day, so don't complain too much... :) I think it's ridiculous what the phone companies charge for doing some little piddly thing that only takes about 5 minutes (if that much) of their time.

Anonymous said...

Hi Reid,

Please try and relax during this holiday and make the most of it. Ellicia needs you to be strong, I know it is hard now with all the assoiated costs that come with illness but money is not as important as love - remember you come into this world with nothing and go out with the same.

My best friend was diagonised with cancer in the spine only last Friday and is still undergoing the final tests before starting chemo. They live in Mackay and had to fly down to Brisbane, 1000km south for treatment.

I know the following is not an applicable comment to this entry but throught you may be interested in todays latest Australian news re Afghanistan. This is just to boost our numbers we already have there. 110 may not appear many troups in US standards but remember how few in numbers us Aussies are.

Aussie troop boost for Afghanistan
Tuesday Jan 10 10:26 AEDT
The government has confirmed it would be boosting Australia's troop commitment to Afghanistan.

Acting Prime Minister Mark Vaile said Defence Minister Robert Hill would make an announcement about sending two Chinook helicopters and 110 special forces soldiers.

"Senator Hill will announce this morning that we're sending two Chinook helicopters and about 110 personnel to Afghanistan, they'll be deployed as part of Australia's continuing commitment to the fight against terrorism," he said on Southern Cross Radio.

Les & Colleen
PS I did open a blogger account but forget my password so I am back to anonymous - easy to remember!!

©AAP 2005

Anonymous said...

Hang in there....

Household6 said...

Tis the season for German holidays that's for sure! I know the feeling and loathe the work counsil at times.

Keep smiling!