14 January 2006

A Long Time Quiet

Apologies to those who check-in regularly and have missed some recent posts...

Wednesday was our latest chemo day. The local pharmacies didn't have her pre-chemo medicine in stock so her treatment this time is just a tad bit... rougher.

Poor girl is sooooo wiped out. I'd say she has about 10-15% of her normal energy. Has a frustrating cough that won't go away... doc says might be from medicine, might be from sickness that keeps circling our house from kid to kid...

She's so tired... Don't know how to help her, and feel guilty for relying on her for anything she can do...

Is such a challenge lately. It's non-stop, from the first moment of waking up. T still doesn't sleep through the night, M has nightmares (no, we have NO idea what's bugging her), and then it's off to the races when the alarm goes off. K off to school, take M to hers (it's 1 km away as the birdie flies, but it's a 30 min. round-trip due to security), T to childcare, then E to treatments, race back to meet deadline to get T, take care of him, K comes home, go get M (30 more min), arrange dinner, homework (if any), baths, then bed... In the meantime, take care of E, manage house, maintain finances (thank goodness for online banking), MY homework, keeping the Army happy, forms, phone calls to return, etc., etc., etc.

I have taken to staying up late just to try to accomplish things.

Surprised myself... been sick 3 times in 6 weeks - unusual for me... usually a robust immune system.

Why in the world would ANYONE volunteer to be a single parent?


Anonymous said...

You are exhausted and run down and thus more susceptible to disease. You probably don't stop long enough to baby your body when you are sick and may just do a rerun with the last bug.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time! There's nothing I can say or do (from way over here, in Georgia) that will help, I know, except keep you in my prayers. Can't someone from either of your families take an extended vacation to help you both out for awhile? You have to find a way to take care of yourself, too! If you get sick, that's not going to help anyone and it will just create more stress that you don't need.