22 January 2006

Doing Dishes at 32,000 Feet

Well, we made it. It was a long trip, but it went very well.

Thomas is an EXCELLENT flier! Not a peep. No screams from the pressure changes. No caterwaulling for the heck of it. He was an excellent baby. Shucks, he was an excellent passenger, period.

I'd like to say a big thank you to Continental Airlines for providing truly great service. The trip was wonderful. They even provided a bassinet that mounted to the wall for Thomas to sleep in. And in Newark, when we ran into some difficulties with our scheduled wheelchair, the flight crew STAYED with us to ensure we were taken care of. And by stayed, I mean they walked with us through security and one attendant followed us almost all the way to the next gate. Truly exceptional.

We're in Charleston now, and were met at the gate by my Dad and his ex-wife, Patricia. He'll hate me for saying this, but it was nice to notice that even he had some tears when he saw us again. Love you, Dad!

More later, but for now, we're going to make the most of this trip.


Anonymous said...

Go, team, go!!!!!

It is so heartwarming to read this. And I'll add my thanks to your flight crew, too.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the trip went well for all. Enjoy your stay!


Anonymous said...

Sounds great! Bet your accent is already back in order. Used to only take a phone call back to AL & all my neighbors in CA knew I'd talked to my parents or sister. Have a wonderful time!