19 October 2005

An Anonymous Moonbat Writes In

Oooooooh, I received a special present in my inbox this morning. It appears that my blog (if moonbats are to be believed) is read in such far away places as... Malta! Delightful. And here I thought it was just a small diary of what goes on in my life.

Anyways, this particular moonbat posted a comment to my long post about the goings on in Malta. I suspect it wasn't the picture of Thomas that got it agitated so much as, and I'm going out on a limb here, the description of the "Million Maltese March".

To be fair to the moonbats, whom by seeing the protest attendance don't get too many people hearing their view, I'm going to bring the comment out for EVERYone to see (there's what... 6 or 7 of you reading this now?).

So, here now, from our beloved on location moonbat in Malta:

While you have been having a break with your family in Malta, you creep, I wonder how many Afghan families you and your fellow assassins have destroyed.

You do not achieve democracy by UNDEMOCRATIC means. Put that in your little mind and try to explain it to the little minds of Americans who think like you. Luckily, you are in a minority of fascists in uniform.


I would have been more than happy to respond intellectually with our intrepid moonbat, though judging by the "you creep", I'm not likely to get a positive response.

Anyway, I've never been called a fascist before and it is quite a new feeling. I almost feel like I should be wearing jackboots or such, and while I did transit Italy on my trip, I didn't have the opportunity to check in with the Mussolini society.

What is a fascist? Well, any good dictionary will tell you that it's one who supports fascisim. But the GREAT dictionaries, such as Merriam-Webster Online, further define it as:
Main Entry: fas·cism
Pronunciation: 'fa-"shi-z&m also 'fa-"si-
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control - fas·cist /-shist also -sist/ noun or adjective, often capitalized

So, according to this, *I* support dictators, and severe economic and social regimentation. Darn my near-perfect voting record and support of capitalism. Forcible suppression of opposition would have meant I'd delete the comment.

I don't think fascism means what our moonbat thinks it means.

But, maybe I'm wrong. So, attention fellow little minds (especially those in uniform):
Support Fascism! Get out and vote. Vote often. Spend your money... Spread it around. And don't forget to share ideas. Long live Fascism.

Oh, and one last thing... it should be noted dear peace-lover in Malta that the most fervent, die-hard anti-war persons are... Soldiers. Soldiers hate war. Especially those who've been in it. No Soldier wishes to fight a war. We strive for peace. Keep that in mind, little or big.


Anonymous said...

Where did you derive the term "moonbat" from? I am familiar with wombats and have met two personally. But moonbat? Is that akin to dingbat? Should the regular no-prefix bats be offended?

GunnNutt said...

What? Uncle Sam hasn't issued you official jackboots? Next you'll tell me that you guys march rather than goose step!

Maltese moonbats...great comeback, Reid!

Anonymous said...

You go Reid!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't "moonbat - the peace lover" lucky that he (or she) also lives in a democracy where "freedom of speech" can be expressed and not under a "real dictatorship" such as Hussein or the Telaban - does moonbat call that peace??
Les & Colleen

Anonymous said...

Another thought, I didn't realize Cindy Sheehan's bus tour stopped in Malta.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a hornets nest! Fellow fascists with little minds protecting Dumb Boy....whatever Afghanistan and Iraq were or are, no one in this world has the right to interfere and intervene, especially ILLEGALLY as in the case of Iraq in this last invasion and occupation. Try to squeeze that into your heads...I know they are too tiny...

CaliValleyGirl said...

Is it bad that I am laughing? I almost feel sorry for your newfound misguided Maltese friend.

Anonymous said...

I am relieved to know, as I have countless American friends, that not all US citizens think like fascists. Most are embarrassed by Bush and his uniformed bully boys. Peace is not something you push down anyone's throat, but an educational process. Of course, the coward's defence is always sarcasm....truth hurts, I know. Ask every historian (too difficult a word, baby? It is someone who has studied history SERIOUSLY for a good number of years)what happened to each and every super power the world has had, from the Persians and Romans to the British, French, Soviets and, inevitably one day, the Americans.

Anonymous said...

ROTFLMAO! Bravo! I loved your comments!