30 October 2005

Angels of Halloween

Awaiting me in the mail room, as every mail handler has made a point of telling me, were SEVEN boxes. Of these, 2 were from me - things I'd ordered. The other FIVE were from Angels. After opening, I COVERED my bed in Halloween candy.

This even included a very cute jack-o-lantern trick or treating bag, prefilled of course. And one of the nice mothers in the group even included a toothbrush and toothpaste, for after the candy.

All of the Angels out there... your dedication, thoughtfulness, and sheer enthusiasm is quite astounding and I, again, don't feel up to being the recipient of such generosity.


The candy is here. Would be rude to mail it back. Just isn't done.


So, maybe I'll nibble on just this one piece...

or look... Candy Corn!!!

Guess I could share... my mother would be proud if I shared. I'll take some into work...

But the Candy Corn stays...

Mine... mine!!!! hahahahaha

Seriously... thank you all... again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


No, thank YOU, hee hee.