03 July 2005

More on Durbin

First, thanks for the notes of support and that y'all don't agree with what Rep. Durbin said. I thought I'd include a link to a wonder Op-Ed piece that helps highlight just how off-base he is. You can find it here.


Lapierre Médias© said...

jsais pas si ya mouiller comme chez nous dans votree boute hier mais bon nous autre sa a souffler en tabarnack

Anonymous said...

Torture is torture, and I've seen nothing from GTMO nor Abu Graib (sp?) that compares to what this VietNam Vet went through. Nor have I seen anything to compare to the savagery of the Terrorists and their videos of beheadings. My definition of torture doesn't seem to match what we're hearing from elected officials and the media.