16 July 2005

A Full Day...

Ugh... today has been ROUGH. First, hot. Hot enough to notice. Spent the full day (including what would normally be "office" time) out on the flightline. Seems someone, somewhere, decided that ammunition goes bad if not used early enough. Sort of like bad milk, but worse consequences (helicopters exploding, etc.).

Problem is, they don't know where all the ammunition is of those years. Solution? Visually check the ammunition.

So, that's what we did. Had to go to each bird, download ALL of the ammunition off of it, visually check each round, throw out the bad, and reload with the new.


Ammo is metal.
Ammo cans are metal.
Everything is metal.
Metal gets hot, too.


We have 9 birds. Two are in the hangar, no ammo. Leaves 7. 300 rounds each = 2100 rounds to visually check. Wheeeee.


(Not to be too graphic, but... an excellent illustration of the heat. We all keep track of each other's water intake. Today, drank 7 liters of water. Never once felt the urge to go to the bathroom. Plenty of sweating, though. Could NOT drink enough...)

Good task, good training though. It's something I don't always get a lot of practice on, but desperately needed... So, good day.

Hot day.

Tomorrow's another day... and very special.... Stay tuned for details.

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