27 July 2005

It's not so hot... or, is it?

Lately I've noticed that it doesn't seem so hot. I think I must be acclimated by now. Thermometers still show it's hot... just doesn't quite feel it so intensely. Just an observation.

Of course, July is winding down... soon, it may actually start to cool.

The war, however, is hot as ever. Intense mission support. Lots of rounds being expended. All about this election coming up.

Which brings me to this hot button of mine... next time you hear someone complain that the TWELVE hours the polling station is open isn't enough, or that they had to stand in line, or other such nonsense... just remember... if you don't have to look in the sky to check for helicopters guarding the polling area, or the booth isn't guarded by troops... our elections just may not be so bad.

This country is fighting to have peaceful elections... and we gripe and moan and... well, we really should be ashamed sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true. And as for the complaints of long lines...where were all these voters in other elections? Bd. of elections can only estimate turnout based on past elections.