22 July 2008

He's Not Quite Dead!

There's an article out on the AP about the RI State Police (made famous in Me, Myself, & Irene) catching a man with a blood-alcohol content of .491!

Yes, a .491.

State police say they arrested a man early Tuesday whose blood alcohol level was 0.491 percent — the highest ever recorded in Rhode Island for someone who wasn't dead.

Gotta love that line... he's tops in the "not dead" category.

The legal limit in Rhode Island is 0.08. A level of 0.30 is classified as stupor, 0.4 is comatose and 0.5 is considered fatal, according to the health department.

Just thinking... do we give him an award for not managing to die? Of course, the bigger miracle is that somehow, he didn't kill anyone... himself of otherwise. Seems police noticed his intoxication after he:
Kobierowski, 34, of North Providence, was arrested after he drove into a highway message board on Interstate 95 in Providence, O'Donnell said.

Considering there are only 42 miles of I-95 in Rhode Island... again, I'm just amazed that the guy 1) could drive, b) didn't hurt anyone, and 3) well... just amazed.

Now, back to your regular blogging.

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