01 July 2008

Having a BLAST!

I just passed twenty hours of flight time.


I've been taking flying lessons lately, trying to finally finish this dream of getting my "ticket", or Private Pilot's License.

It's not easy, but wow, it sure is exciting.

Hard work, too!

Feel very... drained when I land. Flying is no easy thing, as you're always busy watching several different parts of the aircraft, dividing your attention, lest you become too focused and start to get into trouble.

Annnnywho, twenty hours of flight time logged... and a whole bunch of landings.

I am excited. Will I get to finish before I start my next big event? Who knows. It's not easy trying to juggle all the demands on what VERY little time I have... but, it's worth the effort.


Anonymous said...

How many hours do you have to have before you solo...get your license?

notbecky said...

I think it's great that you're taking the time to pursue this. As parents so often we get so wrapped up in our kids lives we forget to make time for our own dreams, and this is just a really cool one!