06 March 2006

Protests at Burials

We've all heard about it. There's a "church" out there that's protesting Soldiers' funerals with signs such as "Thank God for IEDs" and "Thank God for dead Soldiers."

Yeah, I want to vomit, too.

Anyway, I read a nice column in the 7 March Stars and Stripes by Gordon Dillow, from the Orange County Register. I encourage you to take a look at it here. (Note: Registration may be required, but can be done without getting annoying e-mail solicitations. For example, it does ask for an e-mail address, but it does not require e-mail confirmation nor validation.)

Take a look, and maybe give your friendly bikers a pat on the back, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was wonderful. And guess what? The governor of Indiana got a law passed making it a *felony* to protest within 500ft of a military funeral, just in time. And the group you talked about gave up and didn't show. Ha!