23 May 2006

You May Already Have a Mental Disorder

AFN currently has a nice ad in their "hot" rotation. As many of you may have read in your "news"papers, apparently there is concern that many of our new vets are susceptible to mental disorders. (Note: Entirely possible, and a valid concern, and something we should look out for.)

Now, the solution for this is...
    (a) Mental Health Screenings at all bases
    (b) Mental Health Screening via website

Yes, all of us can now go to You May Already Have a Mental Disorder and see what we qualify for.

E has already tried several of the screenings, and found she qualifies for all she's tried, including alcoholism. Amazing, I never knew she was such a lush since she doesn't drink.


Seriously, mental disorders are no joking matter, and I urge anyone who even suspects they may have symptoms to seek help.


Anonymous said...

Bravo your blog,they are risking life and limb in the defense of our country.Back in the early 1970’s i worked with a crew of Vietnam vets many who were deeply troubled with PTSD.
It’s about time the mental health concerns of military personnel and their dependents gets priority.–Daniel Haszard

Anonymous said...

Somehow, I don't think the website is very good at diagnostics... Sounds like we all should/could get in line. There must be a happy medium somewhere?