23 February 2006

Follow-Up to No Decency

In my recent post, No Sense of Decency, I posted how Cindy Sheehan is coming to Landstuhl.

From the organizers of her trip, American Views Abroad, you can see the flyer announcing her trip.

Or, I'm including it here. Especially interesting, besides the viewpoints included, are the numerous errors... plus, look at her schedule of whom she's meeting with. Wonderful.

Cindy Sheehan is coming to Europe!
Together with Cindy, we will start
‘Camp Casey Landstuhl/ Ramstein’ in Germany
on the weekend of March 11&12, 2006!

Cindy will be with us at Camp Casey Landstuhl/Ramstein to call attention to the fact that Germany is the Europe’s logistical hub for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and others threatening Iran and the Middle East.
Germany has the power to stop the further use of U.S. bases in Germany for illegal wars and criminal methods of warfare – the power and the right to JUST SAY NO!

Landstuhl is the location of the huge U.S. military hospital in Europe. Almost all the U.S. soldiers wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan are brought here. Every day, there more injured are flown in—about 30,000 since March 2003. Those who die here are not included in the official lists of the fallen. The corpse of Cindy’s son Casey was preserved here before being sent to the U.S. In Ramstein (only 3 km from Landstuhl) is the air base from which U.S. soldiers stationed in Germany are sent to the wars, along with supplies and ammunition from organized in Germany. There are about 130 atom bombs stocked in Ramstein, and the air base is currently being enlarged. There were more CIA rendition flights here than anywhere else in Europe!
Cindy Sheehan is a former math teacher and a housewife, and mother from California. Her son Casey was killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004. On August 6, 2005, Cindy got as close to President Bush’s summer residence ranch in Crawford, Texas, as allowed and challenged him to answer the question, for what “noble cause” her son had died. Bush did not come out. Cindy refused to leave her position at the side of the road until the end of August, when Bush departed for Washington.
Camp Casey, Texas. In August, 2005, about 10,000 people went to Crawford to support or oppose Cindy. For weeks, the supporters camped out in tents along the Texas roads in temperatures of 30°C; they named this “Camp Casey,” which came into being with the support and leadership of The Crawford Peace House, Veterans for Peace, Gold Star Famlies for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Famlies Speak Out, Not in Our Name, and Code Pink. Camp Casey became not only a site of protest, but also a place of music, love, fun...like a cross between Woodstock and Selma, Alabama. Bush still has not answered Cindy’s question.
Camp Casey continues. At the end of August, many from Camp Casey joined The Bring Them Home Now Tour of three bus caravans going North, South and East to 28 states, 58 cities, and over 200 hundred events, which was supported by peace and labor groups throughout the U.S. The busses converged on Washington DC on Sept. 21 for the Sept. 24 demonstration, the largest since the war on Iraq began. The organizations which supported Camp Casey continue to work together and meet in Crawford at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter (when Bush returns to his ranch) to organize further events across the country.
U.S.“ambassador for peace.” Since December, Cindy has become a sort of ambassador for the majority of U.S. citizens who want U.S. troops withdrawn from Iraq. She has already been received by important government officials in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, and Italy.
Major Florian Pfaff, a U.S. Iraq veteran against the War, and U.S. peace activists from all over Europe will be coming with Cindy to Landstuhl and Ramstein. The German Major Florian Pfaff said NO to the German participation in the war on Iraq. In the spring of 2003, he refused orders to prepare software for the German military that might have been used in the Iraq War. In 2005 a high court in Germany fully acquitted Major Pfaff on the grounds that his reason for refusing to assist in an aggressive war was in accordance with the German constitution.

HELP START Camp Casey Landstuhl/Ramstein
“Just say NO!” – where resistance really counts!
Getting there: many options, whether by public transport or by car. If possible, paint peace slogans or put flags or banners on your car, so the people of Landstuhl and Ramstein and the U.S. Military will know why you’ve come!
Contact for Busses: Marion von Hofacker (MAPC-AVA) – marion.hofacker@t-online.de ++49 (08178) 3379.
Maps: http://www.stadtplan.net/index.asp?direct=brd/rheinland_pfalz/landstuhl/home.html

Overnight stays; Those who want to stay over any night from Friday, March 10, through Tuesday, March 13, can reserve a room in the numerous hotels in Landstuhl and the surrounding area or in a nearby youth hostel (very inexpensive!) Landstuhl Hotel Directory: http://www.landstuhl.de/landstuhl/tourismus/hotelverzeichnis.html
The U. S. peace organization, American Voices Abroad (AVA), has already reserved many beds in youth hostels.
Contact for reserved beds: Tim Slater (MAPC-AVA) – T.Slater@nadeshda.org ++49 (0821) 729-2233

Gifts for the wounded in the U.S. hospital in Landstuhl:
On March 11, we want to bring gifts for to show our solidarity to the soldiers wounded in the Iraq War. If you can, please bring a small gift, such as a book (in English), home baked goods, flowers, etc.

Press Contact and Information: Elsa Rassbach (AVA) – goava@tiscali.de ++49 (030) 326 015 40
Annette Dietrich (FIW) – pfalzscout@aol.com ++49 (0172) 1357105
V.i.S.d.P MAPC Richard Forward Preysingstr. 16, 81667 München
March 8, 2006 Washington, Berlin, Paris, and Cities World-wide Intl. Women’s Day
Cindy Sheehan and women all over the world give the Code Pink petition to U.S embassies and other government offices. Join us at www.womensaynotowar.org.

March 9, 2006 Frankfurt – Press Conference (Major Pfaff will not be present.)

Contact: Elsa Rassbach, American Voices Abroad (AVA)Military Project and
Code Pink Germany Organizing Committee
++49 (030) 32601540 goava@tiscali.de

Aachen – Panel Discussion

Contact: Otmar Steinbicker, Aachen Peace Prize
++49 0241)9967001 steinbicker@aachener-friedenspreis.de

March 10 Aachen – Reception of the Mayor & Press Conference

Contact: Otmar Steinbicker
++49 (0241)9967001 steinbicker@aachener-friedenspreis.de

March 11 & 12 Landstuhl & Ramstein – “Camp Casey“ Events
Contact: Elsa Rassbach
++49 (030) 32601540 goava@tiscali.de

Contact: Annette Dietrich, Friedensinitiative Westpfalz
++49 (0172) 1357105 pfalzscout@aol.com

March 13 Paris – Press Conference & Various Events

Contact: Francois Calaret, Agir Contre La Guerre (ACG )and for Mouvement pour la Paix (MPP)
++33 (0660) 375988 fcalaret@club-internet.fr

Contact: Julie Wornan, Americans Against the War, France (AAW-AVA)
++33 (01) 42043583 j.wornan@libertysurf.fr

March 14 Strasbourg – Press Conference & Hearing European Parliament

(Only two hours from Landstuhl – visitors are welcome!)

Contact: Michael McGee, American Voices Abroad (AVA)
++33 (0609) 318270 wind-energy@evc.net

Contact: Martina Weitsch, Quaker Council for European Affairs und für Intergroup for Peace Initiatives, European Parliament
++32 (02) 2343064 mweitsch@qcea.org

March 15 Berlin – Press Conference & Various Events

Contact: Elsa Rassbach
++49 (030) 32601540 goava@tiscali.de

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't know if you've been keeping up with it, but Code Pinko didn't renew their permit in time outside Walter Reed & some bright guy from Free Republic (Freepers) picked up the permits for their corners so that now all corners outside that gate are covered by Troop Supporters. I'm really happy with that! The wounded troops & their families are, too.

Ms. Cindy & the Code Pinks wouldn't know decency if it kicked them in the face!