02 February 2006

Treatments... It's Not Fair

It seemed so cruel. We're back on the ground less than 24 hours, and already, she's plugged back up getting poisoned again.

She's a trooper.

And I'm proud of her.

Good news seems to be that the treatment cycle will end after six cycles... We'd thought 10, but... six sounds good. This was #4, so we're almost there...

And then?

And then... we'll see what's next. Surely there'll be the surgery to introduce a new asymmetricalness to her, and more scans, and tests, and... and we hope we got it all.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you both already know this, but everyone who passed through your blog is rooting for her, and the renewed ties to home will add energy as well.

Just remember to drive like a German!