11 March 2010

Riddle Me This, Army

So, how is this supposed to work?

The Army professes support for families, and how families are vital to the Army's success.

And single parents... well, they're supported, too.

However, here I am working a shift that's opposite my kids' schedules. I don't mind so much, except... I can see the effect in my kids' behavior. M is just going off the rails. I see her for about 15 minutes each morning. That's it. Otherwise, it's schools and sitters.

Very frustrating.

My next schedule will be a "huge" improvement. In May, I switch to working weekends, Sat-Mon, 0700 - 1930. Yep. So, I'll see M at night during the week, and on weekends. Just in time to tuck her in.


Looking for answers... sigh.

1 comment:

A_C said...

Sometimes I worry that I'm not enough, that I cant teach Mack everything, I'm not enough, that he needs family. But I love him, I tell him I love him every chance I get and I make the most of what time I get.

You can only ever do your best. Get a whiteboard and leave them messages or post its. But at the end of the day they know who loves them and children really are resilliant.