17 February 2010

Communication, Communication, Communication

Why is this so difficult? It should be easy in this day and age. After all, with rare exception, we can be reached by text, email, and sometimes, you can even go old-school and use a telephone.

So, there was a mandatory event this morning. "Lottie, Dottie, Everybody..."

No one was really sure where we were supposed to go, as we'd never gone there before. Therefore, it was put out the night before that everyone would meet at 8 at Place X.


But... Seems that earlier, at the PT session, directions were given and everyone is just told to meet there. Everyone at the PT that is. Those not there... heard crickets.

So, at 8, imagine my surprise when no one *else* was at Place X.

I've noticed this trend lately to brief the plan, then change the plan, but not disseminate the change.

No further comment...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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