05 January 2008

Bringing History to Life

It is true. One of my absolute passions is flying. And one of the pinnacles of that has been mankind's journey into the vastness of space.

Star Trek's immortal mantra had it right: "Space, the Final Frontier..."

In the 1960's, our technology, our abilities... our imagination made "giant leaps" forward - accelerating our knowledge, our understanding... of both ourselves, our home, and our universe.

We are rapidly approaching that time being a half a century ago. Already, we've passed the fifty year mark for the launch of Sputnik, the first object to orbit the Earth.

And with the passage of Time, the nuances of history begin to fade to dust. The STORY gets shorter and shorter until it will finally be just a paragraph (or Less!) in a history book.

But it's the STORY that makes the adventure so compelling. It's the STORY that makes the experience, the why we did what we did... and why we must continue.

I am voraciously aborbing as many texts that tell the nuances of the story. Whether it's Andrew Chaikin's A Man On the Moon, Gene Kranz's Failure is Not An Option, Jim Lovell's, Lost Moon, and innumerable more..., the story is compelling.

And I am happy for Tom Hanks. He saw that the story needed to be told. And he backed a project that stepped away from the headlines, and told the story... the texture that makes it interesting. That which makes the story compelling. As we would have once gathered around the campfire, mesmerized by tales of might and wonder... so are we compelled to gather again.

I encourage you to seek out and find (alright, I'd buy it - as you should have a copy) of "From the Earth to the Moon" (available at Amazon.com, and other fine retailers).

This twelve part miniseries from HBO is of impeccable quality, and attention to detail; it seeks to tell The Story.

To give you a taste, here is the opening sequence.

You'll note the music from an earlier post... It's stirring, and moving... and my Heart quivers whenever I hear it.

(If you're a space buff, see how many of the images you can identify.)