14 June 2007

Prosti-totting Our Kids

Went shopping in Wallyworld... wanted to find some new shoes for the lil' girl since she's apparently GROWN!

No luck on the shoes.

However, I saw the opportunity to replace some worn out clothes and, to my horror, came across...

Size 4/5 (Girls) Low-rider jeans! WHAT?! Listen, my little girl doesn't have anything to be low-riding anyway, but why are we doing that to our girls?

There will come a time when sexiness and such is shoved down their throat everywhere they go... can't they just be little girls for right now? They'll never get another chance...



Anonymous said...

I agree 100%! What ever happened to modesty at any age?. With the styles that are in the stores, these days, it's getting more difficult to find things that cover what should be covered, even for children, apparently! Terrible!

Anonymous said...

And the sad thing is that people buy this stuff...then wonder why the kids are promiscuous at 12-13 years old.

Homefront6 said...

And you can buy thongs for 6 year olds. It is sickening. Why can you? Because people buy it! Who are these kind of people???

ABW said...

It just gets worse! I remember trying to find a black shirt for my daughter when she was 6 months old. All of them were gathered in the front like she had something to accentuate there. Please! It's sad.

Anonymous said...

My 18 year old (God bless her) hates shopping because everything that fits her is too high or too low. This year is better because capris are in.

Reasa said...

I know what you mean. Shopping for my 10year old who is tall and skiny is harder everytime we go to teh store. She is out f girl clothes and wearing jrs. That is a scary place to shop. Everything fits tight and low. Even my daughter hates to go shoppng for anything but shoes. People actually buy things so the makers make more and more. It is sad to see.

Anonymous said...

Again I agree 100%. On one of our current affair shows here in Queensland Australia only this past week they bought this up....even sexy styled bra's are available for girls as young as 6 to 8 yrs...what for??? Let them be children...they grow up fast enought without all this rubbish, which is also an unnecessary added expense. America seems to be the fore-runner in all this fashion so please see what can be done on your end to stop it there...

Aren't we lucky in Australia that we have school uniforms, at least that helps keep the children dressed like children, at least while they are at school.

Mike Driehorst said...

Amen! My youngest daughter will be 4 in July and a new one born before that, so I'm not there . . . yet. Still, with "PINK" and other words written across the butts of sweats and shorts on teens, no wonder young girls are viewed as "objects" by young boys. (Granted, teen boys are doing that already, but they don't need any help!)
-- Mike

Jen said...

My 12 year old daughter hates to go shopping. She is very tall for her age, and everything is too short for her long legs. It gets more difficult each time to find suitable clothes for her and her sisters. I've had much better luck ordering their things from Lands' End, getting fewer clothes, doing more laundry, but having modestly dressed girls.

Anonymous said...

Hey, look what I found when looking online for modest clothing sites!:
The have a petition to clothing manufacturers about the exact thing we were talking about! I signed it. Interesting site.

Anonymous said...

No they can't just be little girls anymore. Because we are selling them sex and telling them about sex and putting sex in front of them on TV (children's shows, too) and billboards. And we are saying to them and anyone who will listen that all sex is wonderful anytime, anywhere. The APA now even looks approvingly at pedophilia because it provides pleasure to both parties! No, our children have been sold out. Our little girls are wearing makeup and bras and nailpolish and anklets, but we want them to maintain their innocence.