17 July 2006

Eh.... What's Up, Doc?

Well, it's time.

Tomorrow, we're going to get another one of E's treatments, and while we're there, we're going to have her first three month test done.

We're excited, and not really expecting any issues.

From there, we're going straight off to Landstuhl. Yep, it's time to actually do it. Wednesday, they're going to laser my eyes and I'll get to start a whole new look on life.

Kinda nervous. During the pre-appointment last week, we went through all sorts of exams. Never had my eye so throughly documented. Even went in to the actual operating room, and the machine that does the laser also takes pictures. So, lay on the bed, and while the tech held my eyelids open with cotton swabs, they took pics of the eye. Then, had my eyeball mapped. The topography of the eyeball, all the hills and valleys. Amazing. Yep, got to look at it all, and no, have NO idea what I was seeing.

But, they say I should be able to achieve 20/20 if I follow the healing regimen... maybe even a hair more... can I dare dream of 20/19?

This is going to be strange. I've spent most of my life with my first waking thought being to grab my "eyes" from the spot near the bed, and the last being to take them off.

The plus side to this is the opportunity to visit Ramstein. The area is so much more than what we have... The enlisted club (ha! there's a concept) has a Chili's! They're building a shopping mall. Meanwhile, OUR PX has just recently discontinued selling clothes and shoes. They plan to stock up on rugs instead. We can hardly wait.

Even the playgrounds are amazing there.

And would you believe that you hear people complaining about the facilities? They live in the "lap of luxury" (militarily speaking), and they complain. Pffffft. Should come out to the boonies sometime.

Oh, and there is one other bonus. The planes!!! They're right there where you can almost touch them. That, and the history... the old hardened aircraft shelters from Cold War times are still there, used for various purposes.

It's like a pilgrimmage...

So, here's seeing a whole new world...


Anonymous said...

I pray that the surgery goes well and that you have wonderful vision in both eyes.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck to you both. Sending good thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well with you both and you get to enjoy the sights (absolutely no pun intended!).

LOL!! I'm sure y'all are thrilled to death with the rugs... I love your throw-away lines :)

Anonymous said...

We moved from Landstuhl about a year ago...K-town (the Kaiserslautern military community) is a lovely place and I hope you enjoy your time there.