17 June 2005

Random Thoughts

Just some random thoughts I've noted today...
No particular order.
Port-a-potties should be called Mini-bake Ovens.  It's sad when you have to take a bottle of water with you just to survive the sauna...  Or, worse... the heat you've been complaining about feels refreshing when you come out of the oven.
Sounds I've become accustomed to: Distant exchanges of rifle fire.  Explosions.  Aircraft coming and going (ok, I love those).
I'm pleased with how comfortable I've become with my weapon.  We take it wherever we go... always (exception - shower/latrine).  It really does become a part of you.  And you miss it when it's not there.  I now understand tales of guys who come back and the first week or so, they don't feel right because their weapon isn't there.
Saw a shooting star... Still here.  Oh well, one wish down.  :) Hahaha
Aircraft get hot.  116 the other day according the thermometer we put on the bird.  That included the direct sunlight and the heat radiating from the concrete and metal.  Have to use gloves to pick up tools or climb on the bird.
It's getting hotter.
Dust devils are cool.  See about 3 a day on average.  These are mini-tornadoes of dust... some reach hundreds of feet in the air.  Had one go by, but haven't been in one yet like some guys have.  Should be cool.
Some genius scheduled a third of our shop to go on R&R leave at the same time... great.  Our shifts are being extended to compensate.  What little free time I've had will soon be gone.  Oh goody.
Time blurs when you're here... need a calendar to determine day of the week.  Nothing separates the days...  Sure, Tuesday and Thursday are laundry days.  Sunday is church.  Otherwise, all the same.  Weird feeling.
Settling into the work.  Actually like it.  Is extremely satisfying to be a direct link of helping put "rounds downrange".  This is what I signed up for and I'm doing it.  And, I'll come back with better stories than if I'd just worked in the office... I'm splitting time about 50/50 now.  Works for me (especially since I've finagled the office time to be during the hot time of day... for now anyway.)  And that doesn't mean the morning isn't hot, it's just that the heat saps your energy, and after lunch, I have no urge to work on aircraft anymore.
I'm thankful for my Angels... y'all brighten my day with e-mails.  Wanna be an Angel to a Soldier (they'd love to have you)?  www.soldiersangels.org.  Make a Soldier's Day!
Till next post...  please keep checking back (and feel free to check out the archives to see what you've missed.)  And if you have any questions, please ask.

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