14 June 2005

My rant, today...

Except for those living under rocks, we all remember the brou-haha that Newsweek caused when it published a story about the US desecrating the Q'uran, Islam's holy text. Further media sources continue to print allegations along these lines. The general gist is that we are violating the Geneva Convention.

Maybe we are, maybe we're not.

But, one thing I do know for certain is what's not being reported. For you see, if WE have to follow the rules (and have any errors aired in the open), shouldn't the other side follow as well? And should they decide to forgo such niceties as the Geneva Convention (while complaining that we're violating it - which is a cute trick), should that not be reported as well?

So, where are the reporters and photographers and stern-faced anchormen to report such violations?

Is no one going to tsk, tsk the other side?

In a briefing, we were told, and from anecdotal evidence from those who work on the birds, it seems our Medevac helicopters often come under fire. Medevacs are the ambulances of the battlefield. By treaty (you know which one), they are unarmed and labeled as noncombatants. It is illegal to fire upon them. However, militarily, they are quite the juicy target. And they're easy to spot - they have HUGE red crosses painted all over them. Can't miss them. And their brave pilots must often hold position while loading wounded, while taking fire.

So, next time you read about a book being soaked in urine, or flushed down a commode (which I haven't figured out how that happened)... compare notes with say, firing rifles, rocket propelled grenades, and missiles at unarmed medical helicopters.

On the satisfying note, though... the Medevacs are usually escorted by our babies, the Apaches. He who fires, will receive fire... and it is quite satisfying to load those rounds onto those birds so they can provide protective fire.

That's my rant...

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