15 June 2005

Answers to Questions

Some of you have sent in a few questions. Instead of answering individually, and allowing those special few to hog the response all to themselves, I've decided to take the equitable and charitable route.

(Full of it, aren't I?)

1: The bathrooms are a long way away... what do you do... you know, when you have... diarrhea? (Montezuma, from Mexico)
Well, Monty, you do what anyone does... run. Or a quick shuffle. Legitimate question. You do plan your potty breaks here. If the nearest porta-potty isn't for a good distance, or... if you know you're going to be on the flightline working on birds for while, you plan ahead.

2: Why are all the other countries there? I thought it was an American base. (Kofi from NYC)
Well, remember, Kofi... this is a coalition. So, we have lots of friends here. Eventually, once we have the base all built up nice and pretty, we'll turn it over to someone else. I hear-tell it's going to be the Canadians. We'll then move our forces out to one of the smaller, out-lying bases. Yay.

3: But, you let Afghans on the base...? (Fred the Afghan)
Yes... it is their country. Actually, it's the Afghan National Army. I'll just stop there for now.

4: Do you wear earplugs around the aircraft? (Judy from Miracle-Ear)
Yes. We have boxes of them. Either that, or we have headsets on so we can communicate with each other. Otherwise, it's hand-signals. The aircraft are VERY loud. And the Harriers are even louder. Noisy planes...

Keep sending in questions, folks, and maybe your question will make it here...

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