30 July 2010

Enough Already!

There is no questioning my deep love and affection for someone who's been my partner for the past eleven years.  He's incredibly special to me, and those who see us can tell that our bond is very strong.

I love the little furball.

Truth be told, he's not that little.  Recent weigh-ins have him at 18 pounds, and folks, he's lean.  Muscular.

Together, he and I have been through quite a lot.  He's patient with me (usually), comforts me when I'm down, has taught my kids to walk (no kidding), and no matter where we have lived - he's managed to demonstrate a level of abject sluttiness unrivaled in the biped community (it's tame, really... he learns the timetable of the neighborhood bus stops and will always be there to greet the children and ensure he receives plentiful tummy rubs.  A complete slut, is he.)


(Y'all knew that was coming, didn't you?)

My kitty could be the picture for every month on the "Stop Furry Bulimia" fund-raising calendar.  For over five years, and a similar number of veterinarians, he's suffered from chronic vomiting.  Initially, we thought he was being selfish and hoarding food from his little sister (RIP).  But, she's gone, and he continues.

With such a lengthy history, patterns have even been discerned.  For example, he always vomits four times.  The first is always the most productive, but there will be four.  Never three, never five, and six is unheard of.  Four.

He also refuses to get up to vomit.  Wherever he may be when the urge overcomes him, that's where the fun shall begin.  Bed.  Bathroom bathmat.  Sofa.  Even Computer.

He must be in agony.  Surely, if I vomited a couple of times every day, I'd be miserable (I'd also be a lot thinner.)

Amazingly, he maintains weight.  How he does that, I don't know.  Neither do the learned vets.

We've tried dry food, wet food, mixed food, this brand, that brand, even prescription food.  You know what?  They all come up the same.

My cat suffers from Bulimia, and there are no known kitty shrinks who can help him.  And we're open to suggestions.

Really, cause this is annoying.  I now live in a house with minimal carpet because of my bulimic cat.  That's right, folks, a recent home-buying decision was heavily influenced by copious feline vomit.

I'm tired of the middle-of-the-night squishy ick.  I'm tired of furniture with stains.  I'm tired of him begging for food because the meal delivered a few minutes ago is now decorating the floors of three different rooms.

I love my cat.  I cannot imagine, nor do I desire to face, one day not having him in my life.  But... this has got to stop!

For his sake... for mine...


1 comment:

M*A said...

Poor Scanner...poor you!