20 July 2007

Sad, Beautiful... Even in Death

As many of you know, I love aircraft. They're downright beautiful, and seductive in their soaring quest to fly.

And it's very sad (to me, at least) when it comes time for them to die. Some are given new lives in Aviation Museums, where they can convey the awe and imagination of flight to future generations.

However, others meet a worse though often inevitable fate. They are broken up to be melted down for recycling. Aircraft which were well cared for and lovingly maintained must wait, standing mute and patient as a large pincer comes and rips it into little pieces - never to soar again.

A photographer out has created some wonderful, artistic images, and I'd encourage you to go take a peek.

Aircraft in the boneyards...


Anonymous said...

Interesting photos...some of them...there is a sense of "violence"...can't explain it...but that's the word that came to mind.

Anonymous said...
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