17 July 2007

Happy Anniversary

Today would have been our third wedding aniversary.

That's right, third.

As I often think, that's a very low number. You always hear about people celebrating their twenty-fifth, fiftieth, sixtieth, etc.

We never made it to three.


It just wasn't in the cards. And the strange thing is, no matter what, we would not have shared this anniverary together. Healthwise, we knew long ago that she would not be alive for this date. Had she have been, had she been in perfect health, I'd be in Iraq right now. So again, separated.

Day struck kind of hard. Every now in then, just when you think your life is "back on track" and that you're adjusting, you get jolted out of your comfortzone.

Like today.

Thank you to the two people who also remembered - the roses were pretty and so were the shared memories.

And to Ellicia... Happy Anniversary. We may not have made it to three, but we packed in more in those short years than some folks who go all the way to sixty-three.

I wrote to you on our first anniversary (and we were apart)... and it's still true and amazing to me even now... My Hero.



Anonymous said...

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

Anonymous said...

You all are still in my prayers everyday!!! I think of all of you often and check in all the time.

Amen Mary Ann!!!

For all those steps you took together and will continue to in your heart :)

Thank you for showing us true love.

And strength... for getting up every day no matter what. What an awesome dad!!!


Rachelle Jones said...

thinking of you and the kids...

Anonymous said...

Another milestone passed. I know it was difficult but you made it through. Those were more difficult than holidays, for me. Now, when they come around, the sadness is lessened and the happy memories shine brighter.
Still in my prayers!

Unknown said...

I agree with Mary*Ann -- we never know how long those we love will travel life's path with us. So we cherish every moment, if we are wise.

Thoughts of you, my friend.


Army of Mom said...

I hope you made it through the day ok. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. Hang in there. I hope eventually your heart will learn to beat again without the aching.

Anonymous said...

There are some, like me, who remembered, thought, and prayed, but didn't say anything for fear it would be too painful. Am just now checking on your blog again.

Janine said...

I stumbled on your blog while doing a search on military wives who have had cancer. Thank you for being so brave to share your family's story and pain. I am an Army wife who has breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (basically, my family history predisposes us to breast cancer at a young age). I will be talking on an Army Wife Podcast for Breast Cancer Awareness Month next Monday at 8 p.m. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for you, but if you find that you would like to share your wife's story to other Army Wives, please do tune in and call in during the show. The link is:


My thoughts are with you and your family.

Janine (movingmama@bellsouth.net)