25 April 2005

Getting Close...

Without specific details (OpSec, don't you know), it's getting close... I've been responsible for our group getting ready. Got everyone all set; paperwork ready, equipment inspections done...

Looks like I'll get to be around for my wife's birthday. She says that that will be her birthday present. Works for me. First one in a few years I've been able to be there for.

Kira is doing very well in school. She's going to be quite an artistic soul, I believe. Not much thinking going on up top, but she's very smart and skilled. Her kindergarten teacher finds her very talented.

Rissa loves her baby brother. We were concerned that she wouldn't adapt well; being used to being the "baby" and being young enough to have no concept of how much her little world was about to be turned upside-down... She's adjusting just fine...

And Thomas. We're a little concerned about his hearing. He doesn't seem to respond to sounds, but the local docs tell us that that may not be bad. His hearing tests work out normally... So, wait and see. All are somewhat worried, though, since during his hospital stay, the doctors gave him an antibiotic (normally not used, except for life/death situations... which this was!) which is toxic to the hearing nerves. We shall see...

Soaking up the time - this is highly unexpected, and more than I could have dreamed of. I'm feeling guilty that I'm not with my unit, but on the other hand, each day is a precious gift. I can't get this back, and I thought for sure I'd miss it all... And here I am!

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